18) The Formula One World Championship driver's
title will be awarded to the driver who has
scored the highest number of points, taking
into consideration all the results obtained
during the Events which have actually taken
19) Points will not be awarded for the Championship
unless the driver has driven the same car
throughout the race in the Event in question.
20) The title of Formula One World Champion
Constructor will be awarded to the make which
has scored the highest number of points,
results from both cars being taken into account.
21) The constructor of an engine or rolling
chassis is the person (including any corporate
or unincorporated body) which owns the intellectual
property rights to such engine or chassis.
The make of an engine or chassis is the name
attributed to it by its constructor.
If the make of the chassis is not the same
as that of the engine, the title will be
awarded to the former which shall always
precede the latter in the name of the car.
22) Points for both titles will be awarded
at each Event according to the following
scale : 1st 10 points
2nd 06 points
3rd 04 points
4th 03 points
5th 02 points
6th 01 point
23) If a race is stopped under Articles 155
and 156, and cannot be restarted, no points
will be awarded in case A, half points will
be awarded in case B and full points will
be awarded in case C.
24) The drivers finishing first, second and
third in the Championship must be present
at the annual FIA Prize Giving ceremony.
25) Prizes and points awarded for all the
positions of competitors who
tie, will be
added together and shared equally.