26) If two or more constructors or drivers
finish the season with the same number of
points, the higher place in the Championship
(in either case) shall be awarded to :
a) the holder of the greatest number of first
b) if the number of first places is the same,
the holder of the greatest number of second
c) if the number of second places is the
same, the holder of the greatest number of
third places and so on until a winner emerges.
d) if this procedure fails to produce a result,
the FIA will nominate the winner according
to such criteria as it thinks fit.
27) An application to promote an Event must
be made to the ASN of the country in which
the Event is to take place, which will apply
to the FIA. It must be accompanied by written
evidence that the promoter has made arrangements
within the terms of the Agreement to secure
the participation of competitors, which arrangements
are conditional only upon the FIA entering
the Event on the Championship calendar.
28) An organiser is a body appointed and/or
approved in accordance with the Agreement
with the powers and responsibilities set
out therein. Upon deciding to grant an application
to hold an Event, the FIA will invite the
relevant ASN to organise it or to nominate
an organiser. If the ASN is not in a position
to do so, the FIA may itself appoint an organiser.
The organiser must be a club or body acceptable
to the FIA and must enter into the organisation
agreement set out in schedule 6 of the Agreement
when it applies to organise the Event.
29) Each organiser shall supply the information
set out in Appendix 1, part A hereto to the
FIA no later than 90 days before the Event.
The FIA, if satisfied with such information,
shall complete part B and forward both parts
to all competitors no later than 60 days
before the Event.
30) The promoter of an Event must procure
that all competitors, their personnel and
drivers are covered by third party insurance
as required by the Agreement and its schedules.
31) Ninety days before the Event, the promoter
must send the FIA details of the risks covered
by the insurance policy which must comply
with the national laws in force as well as
the Agreement. Sight of the policy must be
available to the competitors on demand.