3) having been signalled (by means of a red
light), that his car has been selected for
weighing, the driver will proceed directly
to the weighing area and stop his engine
4) the car will then be weighed and the result
given to the driver in writing ;
5) if the car is unable to reach the weighing
area under its own power it will be placed
under the exclusive control of the marshals
who will take the car to be weighed ;
6) a car or driver may not leave the weighing
area without the consent of the FIA technical
7) if a car stops on the circuit and the
driver leaves the car, he must go to the
weighing area immediately on his return to
the pits in order for his weight to be established.
b) After the race each car crossing the Line
will be weighed. If a driver wishes to leave
his car before it is weighed he must ask
the technical delegate to weigh him in order
that this weight may be added to that of
the car.
c) Should the weight of the car be less than
that specified in Article 4.1 of the Technical
Regulations when weighed under a) or b) above,
the car and the driver will be excluded from
the Event save where the deficiency in weight
results from the accidental loss of a component
of the car due to force majeure.
d) No solid, liquid, gas or other substance
or matter of whatsoever nature may be added
to, placed on, or removed from a car after
it has been selected for weighing or has
finished the race or during the weighing
procedure. (Except by a scrutineer when acting
in his official capacity).
e) Only scrutineers and officials may enter
the weighing area. No intervention of any
kind is allowed there unless authorised by
such officials.
83) Any breach of these provisions for the
weighing of cars may result in the exclusion
of the relevant car.
84) No signal of any kind may pass between
a moving car and anyone connected with the
car's entrant or driver save for the following:
a) Legible messages on a pit board.